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Mist Hiking, April 10

Mist Hiking, April 10

Most of the day, we were socked in with mist or light drizzle. Feet were swollen and uncomfortable. Plenty of PUDs.

Fox and I were talking about trees, the terrain, hiking in general, and how pretty was this stretch of Georgia. Aside from some party campsites near where the Trail crossed roads, there was very little litter. I mentioned my surprises along the approach Trail - all the trash. Fox said he picked up a few pieces of paper -- and saw that they were torn pages of a Methodist hymnal. A lot of them on that approach trail. That wasn't mindless littering we had walked by. The tornados of Palm Sunday had leveled a Methodist church in Piedmont, Alabama, killing a bunch of folks. Piedmont is 100 miles WSW from Amicalola. Thinking back on the insulation and other unusual 'trash' in the woods, it makes you wonder how far that debris had traveled, and its history.