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Grouse, Kinsmen summit

Grouse, Kinsmen summit

I could have grabbed the hen closest to me, for dinner or whatever.

Register entry from Doc Gagnon at Smarts Cabin:

Today I saw a bird
with a broken wing.
It hopped from rock to rock
but could not fly
How sad I thought
to see it so.
Like a broken heart
that cannot know love
or a broken mind
that cannot think straight.
Like the bird
some go through life
with broken things
how sad to see it so.

I thought about this when I saw the grouse, 'though I have no doubt she could fly. And thinking back to the southbounder 'Wolf' in Hexacuba. Many out here in transition. Some out here because they are broken, and they don't know it. Or they are looking for pieces as they can.