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White House, June 26

White House, June 26

1600 Pennsylvania Ave

Toonman and I swept past the monuments, and on our way out of D.C. we swung by Lafeyette Park and the White House. If Clinton was home, he wasn't entertaining a couple of thru hikers today. Toon and I hoofed over to the Farragut station for the Blue line to hop to Arlington. By the time we got to the cemetary, it was twilight. Crossed over to the yellow line, Huntington and home to Mt. Vernon. Rode home with a lot of partiers. Watched a PBS special on volcanos, and crashed. Late and long day for us. What makes someone go into a live volcano?

Dad said he'd like to run us up to trailhead on Rt 7 in the morning. Great -- saves a bear of a hitch during rushhour!