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Hoods in the Woods

Hoods in the Woods

J: Got up REALLY late. EarthDawg said hey as he was walking past. A few hours later, heard more footsteps. Out of the tent, dry breakfast, packed up the gear and on trail by, oh, say 10 a.m. - and up 'the hill'

Topo maps lie. PA was easy hiking. The hill was a pleasure to climb. And the dreaded PA rocks aren't any worse than Virginian rocks. Must have been all that yankee scare tactic stuff. A lazy day of multiple shelters and blueberries. Trying to catch Toon, but no success. Could it be a mid-morning rise? Ripe fruit slowing me down? Caution: will brake for berries.

Late in the evening, came across a camp called Vision Quest. A youth offender alternative program, these fellas were all out of Philly and Pitt. Spoke to two on my way out from getting H2O at a spigot. They were amazed I had been out here three months; they were terrified of the woods.

Hoofed it into Caledonia Park just at dusk. No Toon. Found a note saying he was going to camp 2 mi up at the shelter. I stealth camped behind a picnic area away from the pool -- figured I wouldn't be very noticable. This picnic pavilion was far from the pool, off the beaten path. I'm mostly hidden from the parking lot, between the picnic tables and the bushes. Planned to get up early the next a.m., maybe swim, maybe call Rich and J.