Pine Swamp L-2, I think Really nice shelter. Picnic tables, a terrific view, a swing. What's not to love? So what do I reflect upon on this special day? Aside from the immediate concern of making Salisbury for the P.O. tomorrow a.m.? I still have 18 miles to go... My knees hurt from the surprising number of PUDs since Jersey. My feet hurt from the replacement boots I'm breaking in on Trail (Asolo 555s). Oh, hey, I can feel parts of my feet. That's different. Ouch. But my spirit remains. There are days or moments when the past comes to visit - odd thoughts or memories sprung at surprising times. I suppose that is the nature of us beasts - to reflect in the absence of mirrors, that distract us with ourselves. 'The safest road to hell is the gradual one, the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.' - screwtape |